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You have made us for yourself and

our hearts find no peace until they rest in You.

                                                        Saint Augustine

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Meet Jane Joiner

Jane has maintained a counseling ministry for over 25 years, working with individuals and couples who need relationship tools, healing from hurts and wounds, coaching, mentoring, and teaching.  She enjoys working with people from all walks of life. She models listening, empathy, and compassion to her clients.

Jane is a teacher, counselor, and  minister who has served the church in various capacities.  She specializes in leading small groups, women's retreats, and seminars. â€‹


Jane graduated from Georgia State University, where she studied Psychology. She received her Master's degree from Logos Graduate School.

Jane and her husband Jerry moved to Rabun County in 2019 from the Atlanta area and are thriving in the North East Georgia mountains. They attend First United Methodist Church where Jane serves by leading groups and speaking.

Meet Jane

Healing Starts Here



          In order to move on with my life, I knew I needed to make peace with the past. As a counselor myself, I understand that forgiveness leads to healing. My journey began when someone referred me to Jane Joiner. Jane offered a safe place and unconditional acceptance. Using scripture for guidance, she helped me pray prayers of forgiveness which led to healing. I am grateful to Jane for showing me the way. 

— Susan G.




  • Healing Past Wounds 

  • Dealing with Anger and Bitterness

  • Healing Sadness and Grief

  • Working with Need to Forgive

  • Breaking Confusion

  • Building Confidence


  • Listening Skills

  • Fighting Fair

  • Communication Skills

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Learning to Connect

  • Practicing Forgiveness 

  • Healing Relational wounds


  • Personality Tests

  • Guidance

  • Decision Making

  • Discovering Godly identity

  • Identifying Heart Desires

  • Navigating Your Future

  • Life Mapping

In fact, not forgiving is like

drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die.

                   Anne Lamott


Contact Info

Although we are all unique, we all need help learning to navigate healing for woundings




404) 934-9487

Bearfoot Trail Clayton GA 30525



Boundaries Cloud & Townsend.jpg


By Henry Cloud

and John Townsend

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Codependent No More

By Melody Beattie

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Soul Keeping

By John Ortberg

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Boundaries In Marriage

By Henry Cloud

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The Missing Commandment

By Jerry and Denise Basel

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The Me I Want To Be

By John Ortberg

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Pete Scazzero.jpg
The Emitionally healthy Woman - Scazzero.jpg
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Daring Greatly

By Brene Brown

When perfectionism is driving,

shame is riding shotgun.

                                      Brene Brown

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